Medical Specialty: Speech - Language
Speech and language pathology is concerned with issues surrounding human speech and language communication disorders.
Speech - Language |
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation
The patient was referred for an outpatient speech and language pathology consult to increase speech and swallowing abilities. The patient is currently NPO with G-tube to meet all of his hydration and nutritional needs. A trial of Passy-Muir valve was completed to allow the patient to achieve hands-free voicing. |
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation - 1
Cognitive Linguistic Impairment - Discharge
Cognitive linguistic impairment secondary to stroke. The patient was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy secondary to cognitive linguistic deficits. |
Laryngitis - Discharge
Chronic laryngitis, hoarseness. The patient was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy secondary to voicing difficulties. |
Speech Therapy - Discharge Summary
Speech therapy discharge summary. The patient was admitted for skilled speech therapy secondary to cognitive-linguistic deficits. |
Speech Therapy - Discharge Summary - 1
The patient was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy to improve her functional communication skills and swallowing function and safety. |
Speech Therapy - Discharge Summary - 2
The patient was referred for outpatient skilled speech therapy, secondary to right hemisphere disorder, status post stroke. The patient attended nine outpatient skilled speech therapy sessions. |
Speech Therapy Evaluation
Global aphasia. The patient is referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy, status post stroke. |
Speech Therapy Evaluation - 1
Status post brain tumor with removal. The patient did receive skilled speech therapy while in the acute rehab, which focused on higher level cognitive and linguistic skills such as attention, memory, mental flexibility, and improvement of her executive function. |