Medical Specialty:
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary

Sample Name: Duplex Ultrasound - Legs

Description: Duplex ultrasound of legs
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)


RIGHT LEG: Duplex imaging was carried out according to normal protocol with a 7.5 Mhz imaging probe using B-mode ultrasound. Deep veins were imaged at the level of the common femoral and popliteal veins. All deep veins demonstrated compressibility without evidence of intraluminal thrombus or increased echogenicity.

The long saphenous system displayed compressibility without evidence of thrombosis. The long saphenous vein measured * cm at the proximal thigh with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression and * cm at the knee with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression. The small saphenous system measured * cm at the proximal calf with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression.

LEFT LEG: Duplex imaging was carried out according to normal protocol with a 7.5 Mhz imaging probe using B-mode ultrasound. Deep veins were imaged at the level of the common femoral and popliteal veins. All deep veins demonstrated compressibility without evidence of intraluminal thrombus or increased echogenicity.

The long saphenous system displayed compressibility without evidence of thrombosis. The long saphenous vein measured * cm at the proximal thigh with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression and * cm at the knee with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression. The small saphenous system measured * cm at the proximal calf with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression.

Keywords: cardiovascular / pulmonary, duplex ultrasound, b-mode ultrasound, duplex imaging, compression, echogenicity, femoral, intraluminal thrombus, popliteal, saphenous vein, thrombosis, release of distal compression, calf with reflux, distal compression, duplex, ultrasound, legs, saphenous, release, distal, veins,