Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Carpal Ligament Release - 1

Description: Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Carpal tunnel syndrome.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Carpal tunnel syndrome.

PROCEDURE: Endoscopic release of left transverse carpal ligament.

ANESTHESIA: Monitored anesthesia care with regional anesthesia provided by surgeon.

TOURNIQUET TIME: 12 minutes.

OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: With the patient under adequate monitored anesthesia, the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner. The arm was exsanguinated. The tourniquet was elevated at 290 mmHg. Construction lines were made on the left palm to identify the ring ray. A transverse incision was made in the palm between FCR and FCU, one finger breadth proximal to the interval between the glabrous skin of the palm and normal forearm skin. Blunt dissection exposed the antebrachial fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with bipolar cautery. A distal based window in the antebrachial fascia was then fashioned. Care was taken to protect the underlying contents. A synovial elevator was used to palpate the undersurface of the transverse carpal ligament, and synovium was elevated off this undersurface.

Hamate sounds were then used to palpate the Hood of Hamate. The Agee Inside Job was then inserted into the proximal incision. The transverse carpal ligament was easily visualized through the portal. Using palmar pressure, transverse carpal ligament was held against the portal as the instrument was inserted down the transverse carpal ligament to the distal end. The distal end of the transverse carpal ligament was then identified in the window. The blade was then elevated, and the Agee Inside Job was withdrawn, dividing transverse carpal ligament under direct vision. After complete division of transverse carpal ligament, the Agee Inside Job was reinserted. Radial and ulnar edges of the transverse carpal ligament were identified and complete release was accomplished. One cc of Celestone was then introduced into the carpal tunnel and irrigated free.

The wound was then closed with a running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch. Steri-strips were applied and a sterile dressing was applied over the Steri-strips. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.

Keywords: surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, antebrachial fascia, carpal, ligament, palmar, synovium, tourniquet, transverse carpal ligament, transverse incision, agee inside job, transverse carpal, carpal ligament, carpal tunnel, antebrachial, release, endoscopic,