Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Sebaceous Cyst Removal

Description: Removal of infected sebaceous cyst, right neck.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Infected sebaceous cyst, right neck.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Infected sebaceous cyst, right neck.

PROCEDURE: The patient was electively taken to the operating room after obtaining an informed consent. With a combination of intravenous sedation and local infiltration anesthesia, a time-out process was followed and then the patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The elliptical incision was performed around the draining tract. Immediately we fell in to an abscess cavity with a lot of pus and necrotic tissue. All the necrotic tissue was excised together with an ellipse of skin. Hemostasis was achieved with a cautery. The cavity was irrigated with normal saline. At the end of procedure, there was a good size around cavity that was packed with iodoform gauze. One skin suture was grazed for approximation.

A bulky dressing was applied.

The patient tolerated the procedure well. Estimated blood loss was negligible and the patient was sent to Same Day Surgery for recovery.

Keywords: surgery, infected sebaceous cyst, necrotic tissue, sebaceous cyst, infected,