Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: CT Chest - 2

Description: A 68-year-old white male with recently diagnosed adenocarcinoma by sputum cytology. An abnormal chest radiograph shows right middle lobe infiltrate and collapse. Patient needs staging CT of chest with contrast.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

CLINICAL HISTORY: A 68-year-old white male with recently diagnosed adenocarcinoma by sputum cytology. An abnormal chest radiograph shows right middle lobe infiltrate and collapse. Patient needs staging CT of chest with contrast. Right sided supraclavicular and lower anterior cervical adenopathy noted on physical exam.

TECHNIQUE: Multiple transaxial images utilized in 10 mm sections were obtained through the chest. Intravenous contrast was administered.

FINDINGS: There is a large 3 x 4 cm lymph node seen in the right supraclavicular region. There is a large right paratracheal lymph node best appreciated on image #16 which measures 3 x 2 cm. A subcarinal lymph node is enlarged also. It measures 6 x 2 cm. Multiple pulmonary nodules are seen along the posterior border of the visceral as well as parietal pleura. There is a pleural mass seen within the anterior sulcus of the right hemithorax as well as the right crus of the diaphragm. There is also a soft tissue density best appreciated on image #36 adjacent to the inferior aspect of the right lobe of the liver which most likely also represents metastatic deposit. The liver parenchyma is normal without evidence of any dominant masses. The right kidney demonstrates a solitary cyst in the mid pole of the right kidney.

1. Greater than twenty pulmonary nodules demonstrated on the right side to include pulmonary nodules within the parietal as well as various visceral pleura with adjacent consolidation most likely representing pulmonary neoplasm.
2. Extensive mediastinal adenopathy as described above.
3. No lesion seen within the left lung at this time.
4. Supraclavicular adenopathy.

Keywords: radiology, supraclavicular, cervical adenopathy, pulmonary nodules, lymph node, adenopathy, pulmonary, chest,