Medical Specialty:
General Medicine

Sample Name: COPD & Pneumonia - SOAP

Description: Acute on chronic COPD exacerbation and community acquired pneumonia both resolving. However, she may need home O2 for a short period of time.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

SUBJECTIVE: Review of the medical record shows that the patient is a 97-year-old female patient who has been admitted and has been treated for community acquired pneumonia along with COPD exacerbation. The patient does have a longstanding history of COPD. However, she does not use oxygen at her independent assisted living home. Yesterday, she had made improvement since being here at the hospital. She needed oxygen. She was tested for home O2 and qualified for it yesterday also. Her lungs were very tight. She did have wheezes bilaterally and rhonchi on the right side mostly. She appeared to be a bit weak and although she was requesting to be discharged home, she did not appear to be fit for it.

Overnight, the patient needed to use the rest room. She stated that she needed to urinate. She awoke, decided not to call for assistance. She stated that she did have her nurse call light button next to her and she was unable to gain access to her walker. She attempted to walk to the rest room on her own. She sustained a fall. She stated that she just felt weak. She bumped her knee and her elbow. She had femur x-rays, knee x-rays also. There was possibility of subchondral fracture and some swelling of her suprapatellar bursa on the right side. This morning, she denied any headache, back pain or neck pain. She complained mostly of right anterior knee pain for which she had some bruising and swelling.

VITAL SIGNS: The patient's max temperature over the past 24 hours was 36.5; her blood pressure is 148/77, her pulse is 87 to 106. She is 95% on 2 L via nasal cannula.
HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, gallop or rub.
LUNGS: Reveal no expiratory wheezing throughout. She does have some rhonchi on the right mid base. She did have a productive cough this morning and she is coughing green purulent sputum finally.
ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Her bowel sounds x4 are normoactive.
NEUROLOGIC: She is alert and oriented x3. Her pupils are equal and reactive. She has got a good head and facial muscle strength. Her tongue is midline. She has got clear speech. Her extraocular motions are intact. Her spine is nontender on palpation from neck to lumbar spine. She has good range of motion with regard to her shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers. Her grip strengths are equal bilaterally. Both elbows are strong from extension to flexion. Her hip flexors and extenders are also strong and equal bilaterally. Extension and flexion of the knee bilaterally and ankles also are strong. Palpation of her right knee reveals no crepitus. She does have suprapatellar inflammation with some ecchymosis and swelling. She has got good joint range of motion however.
SKIN: She did have a skin tear involving her right forearm lateral, which is approximately 2 to 2.5 inches in length and is at this time currently Steri-Stripped and wrapped with Coban and is not actively bleeding.

1. Acute on chronic COPD exacerbation.
2. Community acquired pneumonia both resolving. However, she may need home O2 for a short period of time.
3. Generalized weakness and deconditioning secondary to the above. Also sustained a fall secondary to instability and not using her walker or calling for assistance. The patient stated that she knew better and she should have called for assistance and she had been told repeatedly from her family members and staff to call for assistance if she needed to get out of bed.

1. I will have PT and OT evaluate the patient and give recommendation to safety and appliance use at home i.e. walker. Myself and one of her daughter's spoke today about the fact that she generally lives independently at the Brooke and she may need assisted living along with physical therapy and oxygen for a period of time rather than going back to independent living.
2. We will obtain an orthopedic consult secondary to her fall to evaluate her x-rays and function.

Keywords: general medicine, community acquired pneumonia, copd exacerbation, home o2, acute on chronic, pneumonia, exacerbation, copd,