- Allergy / Immunology
- Autopsy
- Bariatrics
- Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
- Chiropractic
- Consult - History and Phy.
- Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diets and Nutritions
- Discharge Summary
- Emergency Room Reports
- Endocrinology
- ENT - Otolaryngology
- Gastroenterology
- General Medicine
- Hematology - Oncology
- Hospice - Palliative Care
- IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
- Lab Medicine - Pathology
- Letters
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Office Notes
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic
- Pain Management
- Pediatrics - Neonatal
- Physical Medicine - Rehab
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry / Psychology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Sleep Medicine
- SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
- Speech - Language
- Surgery
- Urology
Medical Specialty
Allergy / Immunology
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - History and Phy.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Diets and Nutritions
Discharge Summary
Emergency Room Reports
ENT - Otolaryngology
General Medicine
Hematology - Oncology
Hospice - Palliative Care
IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
Lab Medicine - Pathology
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Office Notes
Pain Management
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Physical Medicine - Rehab
Psychiatry / Psychology
Sleep Medicine
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Speech - Language
Neurology - Medical Reports
Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Adult Hydrocephalus
Alzheimer Disease
Anaplastic Astrocytoma - Letter
Arachnoid Cyst
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Arnold Chiari II with Syrinx
AVM with Hemorrhage
Bell's Palsy
Bilateral Carotid Cerebral Angiogram
Brain MRI - Pituitary Adenoma
Brain Stimulator Electrode
Carotid Ultrasound
Cerebral Angiogram
Cerebral Angiogram - Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Cerebral Angiogram - Left ICA/PCA Aneurysm
Cerebral Angiogram & MRA
Cerebral Palsy - Letter
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest CT - Myasthenia Gravis
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Craniopharyngioma - Postop
Craniotomy - Biparietal
Craniotomy - Burr Hole
Craniotomy - Frontotemporal
Craniotomy - Frontotemporal - 1
Craniotomy - Occipital
Craniotomy - Retrosigmoid
Craniotomy - Temporal
Craniotomy & Neuronavigation
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
CT Brain
CT Brain - Aneurysm
CT Brain - Calcification of Basal Ganglia
CT Brain - Hemangioma
CT Brain - SAH
CT Brain - Stroke
CT Brain: Subdural hematoma
CT Brain: Subdural Hemorrhage.
CT C-Spine
CT C-Spine - 1
CT C-Spine - 2
CT Head
CT Head - 1
CT Head - 2
CT Head - 3
CT Head - 4
CT Head and C Spine
CT Head, Facial Bones, Cervical Spine
CT Lumbar Spine
CT Lumbar Spine - 1
CT Lumbar Spine - 2
CT of Lumbar Spine w/o Contrast
CT Scan of Brain w/o Contrast
CT Scan of Brain with Contrast
CVA - Discharge Summary
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Dandy-Walker Malformation
Diagnostic Cerebral Angiogram
Discharge Summary - Cerebral Palsy
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dural AVM
EEG Monitoring Study
Electroencephalogram - 1
Electroencephalogram - 2
Electroencephalogram - 3
Electroencephalogram - 4
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 1
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 2
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 3
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 4
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 5
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 6
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 7
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 8
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 9
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
Epidural Hematoma Evacuation
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Falls - Discharge Summary
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
HCT - Calcification of Basal Ganglia
HCT - Pituitary Mass
Head Trauma
Headache - Office Visit
Hematoma Evacuation
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Intracranial aneurysm - ER Visit
Intractable Epilepsy
Laminectomy & Foraminotomy Followup
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Lumbar Discogram
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture - 1
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
MCA Aneurysm
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Moyamoya Disease
MRI Brain - Meningioma (Olfactory)
MRI Brain - Bilateral Thalamic Strokes
MRI Brain - Cryptococcus
MRI Brain - Leukoencephalopathy
MRI Brain - Lyme Disease
MRI Brain - Memory Loss
MRI Brain - Pilocytic Astrocytoma
MRI Brain - Pontine Stroke
MRI Brain - Progressive Aphasia
MRI Brain - SLE & Stroke
MRI Brain - Thrombus
MRI Brain - Toxoplasmosis
MRI Brain - Wernicke aphasia
MRI Brain & Cerebral Angiogram
MRI Brain & T-spine - Demyelinating disease.
MRI Brain and Brainstem
MRI Brain and C-T Spine
MRI Brain: Thalamic Infarct
MRI C3 - Cord Compression.
MRI Cervical Spine - 1
MRI Cervical Spine - 2
MRI Cervical Spine - Chiropractic Specific
MRI C-spine
MRI C-Spine - C5-6 Disk Herniation
MRI Head
MRI Head - 1
MRI L-S Spine - Cauda Equina Syndrome
MRI L-Spine - Subarachnoid Seeding
MRI of Brain w/o Contrast.
MRI of Lumbar Spine w/o Contrast
MRI Spine
MRI Spine - Epidural Lipoma
MRI T-L Spine - Schistosomiasis
MRI T-Spine
MRI T-Spine - 1
MRI T-Spine - Spinal Mets
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Myoclonic Epilepsy
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neurology - Discharge Summary
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Normal L-Spine MRI
Organic Brain Syndrome
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 1
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 2
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 3
Physical Therapy - Brain Tumor Removal
Pituitary Adenomectomy
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Radiologic Exam - Spine
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - Letter
Rolandic Epilepsy
Rotator Cuff Tear
SAH, Contusion, Skull Fracture
Skull Base Reconstruction
Sleep Study Interpretation
Sleepiness - Consult
SOAP - Numbness & Tingling
SOAP - Temporal Mass
Status Epilepticus
Suboccipital Craniectomy
Suspected Seizure Activity
Temporal Artery Biopsy
Temporal Artery Biopsy - 1
Tethered Cord Evaluation
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Ulnar Nerve Transposition
Vein Stripping
Ventriculostomy Placement
Video EEG
Video EEG - 1
Video EEG - 2
Video EEG - 3
Wilson's Disease - Letter
Medical Specialty:
Sample Name: Video EEG
Description: This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
TIME SEEN: 0734 hours and 1034 hours.
TOTAL RECORDING TIME: 27 hours 4 minutes.
PATIENT HISTORY: This is a 43-year-old female with a history of events concerning for seizures. Video EEG monitoring is performed to capture events and/or identify etiology.
1. AWAKE: Normal.
2. SLEEP: No activation.
DESCRIPTION: Approximately 27 hours of continuous 21-channel digital video EEG monitoring was performed. The waking background is unchanged from that previously reported. Hyperventilation produced no changes in the resting record. Photic stimulation failed to elicit a well-developed photic driving response.
Approximately five-and-half hours of spontaneous intermittent sleep was obtained. Sleep spindles were present and symmetric.
The patient had no clinical events during the recording.
CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: This is normal video EEG monitoring for a patient of this age. No interictal epileptiform activity was identified. The patient had no clinical events during the recording. Clinical correlation is required.
See More Samples on Neurology
Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Adult Hydrocephalus
Alzheimer Disease
Anaplastic Astrocytoma - Letter
Arachnoid Cyst
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Arnold Chiari II with Syrinx
AVM with Hemorrhage
Bell's Palsy
Bilateral Carotid Cerebral Angiogram
Brain MRI - Pituitary Adenoma
Brain Stimulator Electrode
Carotid Ultrasound
Cerebral Angiogram
Cerebral Angiogram - Lateral Medullary Syndrome
Cerebral Angiogram - Left ICA/PCA Aneurysm
Cerebral Angiogram & MRA
Cerebral Palsy - Letter
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest CT - Myasthenia Gravis
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Craniopharyngioma - Postop
Craniotomy - Biparietal
Craniotomy - Burr Hole
Craniotomy - Frontotemporal
Craniotomy - Frontotemporal - 1
Craniotomy - Occipital
Craniotomy - Retrosigmoid
Craniotomy - Temporal
Craniotomy & Neuronavigation
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
CT Brain
CT Brain - Aneurysm
CT Brain - Calcification of Basal Ganglia
CT Brain - Hemangioma
CT Brain - SAH
CT Brain - Stroke
CT Brain: Subdural hematoma
CT Brain: Subdural Hemorrhage.
CT C-Spine
CT C-Spine - 1
CT C-Spine - 2
CT Head
CT Head - 1
CT Head - 2
CT Head - 3
CT Head - 4
CT Head and C Spine
CT Head, Facial Bones, Cervical Spine
CT Lumbar Spine
CT Lumbar Spine - 1
CT Lumbar Spine - 2
CT of Lumbar Spine w/o Contrast
CT Scan of Brain w/o Contrast
CT Scan of Brain with Contrast
CVA - Discharge Summary
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Dandy-Walker Malformation
Diagnostic Cerebral Angiogram
Discharge Summary - Cerebral Palsy
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dural AVM
EEG Monitoring Study
Electroencephalogram - 1
Electroencephalogram - 2
Electroencephalogram - 3
Electroencephalogram - 4
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 1
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 2
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 3
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 4
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 5
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 6
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 7
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 8
EMG/Nerve Conduction Study - 9
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
Epidural Hematoma Evacuation
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Falls - Discharge Summary
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
HCT - Calcification of Basal Ganglia
HCT - Pituitary Mass
Head Trauma
Headache - Office Visit
Hematoma Evacuation
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Intracranial aneurysm - ER Visit
Intractable Epilepsy
Laminectomy & Foraminotomy Followup
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Lumbar Discogram
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture - 1
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
MCA Aneurysm
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Moyamoya Disease
MRI Brain - Meningioma (Olfactory)
MRI Brain - Bilateral Thalamic Strokes
MRI Brain - Cryptococcus
MRI Brain - Leukoencephalopathy
MRI Brain - Lyme Disease
MRI Brain - Memory Loss
MRI Brain - Pilocytic Astrocytoma
MRI Brain - Pontine Stroke
MRI Brain - Progressive Aphasia
MRI Brain - SLE & Stroke
MRI Brain - Thrombus
MRI Brain - Toxoplasmosis
MRI Brain - Wernicke aphasia
MRI Brain & Cerebral Angiogram
MRI Brain & T-spine - Demyelinating disease.
MRI Brain and Brainstem
MRI Brain and C-T Spine
MRI Brain: Thalamic Infarct
MRI C3 - Cord Compression.
MRI Cervical Spine - 1
MRI Cervical Spine - 2
MRI Cervical Spine - Chiropractic Specific
MRI C-spine
MRI C-Spine - C5-6 Disk Herniation
MRI Head
MRI Head - 1
MRI L-S Spine - Cauda Equina Syndrome
MRI L-Spine - Subarachnoid Seeding
MRI of Brain w/o Contrast.
MRI of Lumbar Spine w/o Contrast
MRI Spine
MRI Spine - Epidural Lipoma
MRI T-L Spine - Schistosomiasis
MRI T-Spine
MRI T-Spine - 1
MRI T-Spine - Spinal Mets
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Myoclonic Epilepsy
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neurology - Discharge Summary
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Normal L-Spine MRI
Organic Brain Syndrome
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 1
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 2
Phenol Neurolysis & Botulinum Toxin Injection - 3
Physical Therapy - Brain Tumor Removal
Pituitary Adenomectomy
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Radiologic Exam - Spine
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy - Letter
Rolandic Epilepsy
Rotator Cuff Tear
SAH, Contusion, Skull Fracture
Skull Base Reconstruction
Sleep Study Interpretation
Sleepiness - Consult
SOAP - Numbness & Tingling
SOAP - Temporal Mass
Status Epilepticus
Suboccipital Craniectomy
Suspected Seizure Activity
Temporal Artery Biopsy
Temporal Artery Biopsy - 1
Tethered Cord Evaluation
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Ulnar Nerve Transposition
Vein Stripping
Ventriculostomy Placement
Video EEG
Video EEG - 1
Video EEG - 2
Video EEG - 3
Wilson's Disease - Letter
Keywords: neurology, electroencephalography, eeg monitoring, video eeg, seizures, eeg,