Medical Specialty:
Sample Name: Phacoemulsification & Cataract Extraction - 2
Description: Cataract, right eye. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens insertion, right eye. The patient was then prepped and draped using standard procedure. An additional drop of tetracaine was instilled in the eye, and then a lid speculum was inserted.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Cataract, right eye.
TITLE OF OPERATION: Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens insertion, right eye.
The eye was rotated downward and a crescent blade used to make an incision at the limbus. This was then dissected forward approximately 1 mm, and then a keratome was used to enter the anterior chamber. The anterior chamber was filled with 1% preservative-free lidocaine and the lidocaine was then replaced with Provisc. A cystotome was used to make a continuous-tear capsulorrhexis, and then the capsular flap was removed with the Utrata forceps. The lens nucleus was hydrodissected using BSS on a cannula and then removed using the phaco. This was aided by cracking the lens nucleus with McPherson forceps. The remaining cortex was removed from the eye with the I&A. The capsular bag was then polished with the I&A on capsular bag. The bag was inflated using viscoelastic and then the wound extended slightly with a keratome. A folding posterior chamber lens was inserted and rotated into position using McPherson forceps. The I&A was then placed in the eye again and the remaining viscoelastic removed. The wound was checked for watertightness and found to be watertight. TobraDex drops were instilled in the eye and a shield was placed over it.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was brought to recovery in good condition.
Keywords: ophthalmology, tetracaine, intraocular lens, lid speculum, mcpherson forceps, capsular bag, eye, phacoemulsification, cataract, lens, intraocular,