Medical Specialty:
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Sample Name: Blepharoplasty
Description: Blepharoplasty procedure
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
The patient was prepped and draped. The upper lid skin was marked out in a lazy S fashion, and the redundant skin marked out with a Green forceps. Then the upper lids were injected with 2% Xylocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine and 1 mL of Wydase per 20 mL of solution.
The upper lid skin was then excised within the markings. Gentle pressure was placed on the upper eyelids, and the fat in each of the compartments was teased out using a scissor and cotton applicator; and then the fat was cross clamped, cut, and the clamp cauterized. This was done in the all compartments of the middle and medial compartments of the upper eyelid, and then the skin sutured with interrupted 6-0 nylon sutures. The first suture was placed in the lower eyelid skin picking up the periorbital muscle and then the upper portion of the tarsus and then the upper lid skin. This created a significant crisp, supratarsal fold. The upper lid skin was closed in this fashion, and then attention was turned to the lower lid.
An incision was made under the lash line and slightly onto the lateral canthus. The #15 blade was used to delineate the plane in the lateral portion of the incision, and then using a scissor the skin was cut at the marking. Then the skin muscle flap was elevated with sharp dissection. The fat was located and using a scissor the three eyelid compartments were opened. Fat was teased out, cross clamped, the fat removed, and then the clamp cauterized. Once this was done the skin was tailored to the lower lid incision site with mouth open and eyes in upward gaze, and then the excess skin removed. The suture line was sutured with interrupted 6-0 silk sutures. Once this was done the procedure was finished.
The patient left the OR in satisfactory condition. The patient was given 50 mg of Demerol IM with 25 mg of Phenergan.
Keywords: cosmetic / plastic surgery, blepharoplasty, green forceps, wydase, applicator, canthus, lash line, lazy s, lazy s fashion, muscle flap, periorbital muscle, prepped and draped, supratarsal fold, upper lid, upward gaze, upper lid skin, eyelids,