- Allergy / Immunology
- Autopsy
- Bariatrics
- Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
- Chiropractic
- Consult - History and Phy.
- Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diets and Nutritions
- Discharge Summary
- Emergency Room Reports
- Endocrinology
- ENT - Otolaryngology
- Gastroenterology
- General Medicine
- Hematology - Oncology
- Hospice - Palliative Care
- IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
- Lab Medicine - Pathology
- Letters
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Office Notes
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic
- Pain Management
- Pediatrics - Neonatal
- Physical Medicine - Rehab
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry / Psychology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Sleep Medicine
- SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
- Speech - Language
- Surgery
- Urology
Medical Specialty
Allergy / Immunology
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - History and Phy.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Diets and Nutritions
Discharge Summary
Emergency Room Reports
ENT - Otolaryngology
General Medicine
Hematology - Oncology
Hospice - Palliative Care
IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
Lab Medicine - Pathology
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Office Notes
Pain Management
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Physical Medicine - Rehab
Psychiatry / Psychology
Sleep Medicine
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Speech - Language
Consult - History and Phy. - Medical Reports
A 5-month-old boy with cough
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Abnormal Echocardiogram
Abnormal Stress Test
Abrasions & Lacerations - ER Visit
Acne Vulgaris - H&P
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Adjustment Disorder & Encopresis
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Adult Hydrocephalus
Agitation - ER Visit
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Allergy Evaluation Consult
Anemia - Consult
Angina - Consult
Ankle Pain - Consult
Ankle Sprain - H&P
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - Consult
Atrial Fibrillation Management
Attempted Suicide - Consult
Azotemia Consult
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 1
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 2
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 3
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 4
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation - 1
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation - 1
Bilateral Hip Pain
Bipolar Affective Disorder - Consult
Bladder Cancer
Bladder Instillation
Bladder Tumor
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Brain Tumor - Consult
Breast Augmentation Consult
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Breast Reconstruction
Bunion & Pes Planovalgus Deformity
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Cancer of the nasopharynx
Carbohydrate Counting
Cardiac Consult & Cardioversion
Cardiac Consultation
Cardiac Consultation - 1
Cardiac Consultation - 2
Cardiac Consultation - 3
Cardiac Consultation - 4
Cardiac Consultation - 5
Cardiac Consultation - 6
Cardiac Consultation - 7
Cardiomyopathy & Hypotension - Consult
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest discomfort & palpitations - Consult.
Chest Pain - Cardiac Consult
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Cholangiocarcinoma Consult
Cholestasis Of Pregnancy
Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease - Consult
Chronic Otitis Media
Chronic Sinusitis
Clogged AV Shunt - Consult
Colon Cancer Consult
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Polyps - Genetic Counseling
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Connective Tissue Disorder
Consult - Abnormal EKG
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation - 1
Consult - Back & Leg Pain
Consult - Breast Cancer
Consult - Breast Cancer - 1
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Congestive Heart Failure
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Enlarged Tonsils
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Hydronephrosis
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - ICU Management
Consult - Jaw Pain
Consult - Knee Pain
Consult - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Multiple Colon Polyps
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Palpitations & Presyncope
Consult - Prostate Cancer
Consult - Pulsatile Tinnitus
Consult - Rectal Bleeding
Consult - Screening Colonoscopy
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
Consult - Weankness & Polymyositis
Consult for Colostomy Reversal
Consult for New Wheelchair
Consult/ER Report - OB/GYN
Conversion Disorder
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Cystic Fibrosis
Decreased Vision Consult
Dental Pain
Detox from Heroin
Dietary Consult - 1
Dietary Consult - 2
Dietary Consult - 3
Dietary Consult - 4
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 1
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 2
Dietary Consult - Gestational Diabetes
Dietary Consult - Hyperlipidemia
Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
Dietary Consultation - 1
Dietary Consultation - 2
Difficulty Distance Vision & Fine Print at Near
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Consult
Discoid Lupus
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dog Bite
Dural AVM
Dysphagia & Hematemesis
Ear Pain - Drainage
Ear pain - Pediatric Consult
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
Elevated BNP - Consult
Elevated Cardiac Enzymes
Elevated PSA - H&P
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
End Stage Renal Disease - Consult
ENT Consult
ENT Consult - 1
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
ER Report - Rib Cage Pain
Erythema Nodosum - Consult
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Exudative Tonsillitis
Eye Examination - H&P
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
First Pap smear.
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Foot Infection Management
Foot pain Consultation
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Foul-Smelling Urine
Gagging - 3-year-old
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 1
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 2
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 3
Gastrointestinal Bleed - ER Visit
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
GI Consultation - 1
GI Consultation - 2
GI Consultation - 3
GI Consultation - 4
Glioblastoma Multiforme - Consult
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Glioma - Consult
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
H&P - Cardio (Angina)
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Infant with fever
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Hand Pain - Consult
Head & Neck Cancer Consult
Head Trauma
Hematology Consult
Hematology Consult - 1
Hematuria - Consult
Hematuria - ER Visit
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
Hip Fracture - ER Consult
Hip Fracture - Rehab Consult
HPV Consult
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Infant Not Gaining Weight
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Intractable Epilepsy
Iron deficiency anemia
Ischemic Cecum - Consult
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Knee DJD - Consult
Knee Injury
Kyphoplasty - Consult
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 1
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 2
Leaking Nephrostomy Tube
Left Lower Quadrant Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Lightheaded & Dizziness
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Low Back Pain - Consult
Lower back pain
Lower Quadrant Pain
Lumbar Radiculopathy - Consult
Lumbar Spine HNP - Consult
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Lung Cancer & MI - Hospice Cosult
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Lymphoma - Consult
Major Depressive Disorder - IME Consult
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Consult
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
MCA Aneurysm
Medical Management Consult Request
Mental Status Changes - Consult
Mesothelioma - Consult
Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Consult
Microhematuria - Consult
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Multilobar Pneumonia
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Murmur & Bacteremia.
Neck & Back Pain
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neonatal Consult
Nephrology Consultation - 1
Nephrology Consultation - 2
Nephrology Consultation - 3
Nephrology Consultation - 4
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurogenic Bladder - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Non-Q-wave Myocardial Infarction
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Consult
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
OB/GYN Consultation - 1
OB/GYN Consultation - 2
OB/GYN Consultation - 3
OB/GYN Consultation - 4
Occupational Medicine Consult
Occupational Medicine Consult - 1
Occupational Medicine Consult - 2
Occupational Medicine Consult - 3
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 1
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 2
Onychomycosis - H&P
Organic Brain Syndrome
Orthopedic Consult
Orthopedic Consult - 1
Orthopedic Consult - 2
Orthopedic Consult - 3
Orthopedic Consult - 4
Orthopedic Consult - 5
Otitis Media - H&P
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Pain Management Consult - 1
Pain Management Consult - 2
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Pediatric Rheumatology Consult
Penile Cellulitis
Penile Discharge
Pericardial Effusion
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Peripheral Effusion - Consult
Physical Exam and Pap - 1
Physical Exam and Pap -2
Pneumothorax & Subcutaneous Emphysema
Postop Medical Management
Preop Cardiac Consult
Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Prostate Adenocarcinoma - H&P
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Psych Consult - Alcohol Withdrawal
Psych Consult - Altered Mental Status
Psych Consult - Anxiety
Psych Consult - Assaultive Behavior
Psych Consult - Bipolar Affective Disorder
Psych Consult - Dementia
Psych Consult - Depression - 1
Psych Consult - Depression - 2
Psych Consult - Lethargy
Psych Consult - Pain Meds
Psych Consult - Paranoia
Psych Consult - Psychosis
Psych Consult - Psychosis - 1
Psych Consult - Schizophrenia
Psych Consult - Substance abuse
Psych H&P - 1
Psych H&P - 2
Psychiatric Consult
Psychiatric Consult - 1
Psychiatric Consult - 2
Pubic Cellulitis
Pulmonary Consultation - 1
Pulmonary Consultation - 2
Pulmonary Edema - Consult
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension - Pediatric Consult
Records Review - Epicondylitis
Records Review - Orthopedic
Rectal Bleeding - 1-year-old
Rectal Bleeding - Consult
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Recurrent nasal obstruction
Renal Failure - Consult
Renal Failure Evaluation
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Consult
Rheumatoid Arthritis - H&P
Rotator cuff syndrome - H&P
School Physical - 1
School Physical - 2
Sepsis - Consult
Shoulder Pain Consult
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus problems - Consult
Sleepiness - Consult
Small Bowel Obstruction
Speech Therapy Evaluation
Speech Therapy Evaluation - 1
Spinal fluid evaluation
Sports Physical - 1
Sports Physical - 2
Sports Physical - 3
Status Epilepticus
Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
Supraventricular Tachycardia - Consult
Syncope - ER Visit
Syncope - ER Visit - 1
T-Cell Lymphoma Consult
Tethered Cord Evaluation
Therapeutic Recreation Initial Evaluation
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thyroid Mass Consult
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Tinea Pedis - H&P
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Tracheostomy Tube Consult
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Ureteral Calculus - Consult
URI & Eustachian Congestion
Urinary Retention
Urology Consut - 1
Ventricular Ectopy - Consult
Vertigo Consult
Vertigo Consult - 1
Viral Gastroenteritis
Weight Gain and Edema
Weight Loss Evaluation
Well-Child Check - 1
Well-Child Check - 2
Well-Child Check - 3
Well-Child Check - 4
Well-Child Check - 5
Well-Child Check - 6
Well-Child Check - 7
Well-woman checkup
Worker's Compensation Injury
Wound Care Consult
Wrist Pain
Medical Specialty:
Consult - History and Phy.
Sample Name: Revocation Admission
Description: A 40-year-old male seen today for a 90-day revocation admission. Noncompliant with medications, refusing oral or IM medications, became agitated. History of hyperlipidemia with elevated triglycerides.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
IDENTIFYING DATA: This is a 40-year-old male seen today for a 90-day revocation admission. He had been reported by his case manager as being noncompliant with medications, refusing oral or IM medications, became agitated, had to be taken to ABCD for evaluation, admitted at that time to auditory hallucinations and confusion and was committed for admission at this time. He has a psychiatric history of schizophrenia, was previously admitted here at XYZ on 12/19/2009, had another voluntary admission in ABCD in 1998.
MEDICATIONS: Listed as Invega and Risperdal.
ALLERGIES: None known to medications.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: The only identified problem in his chart is that he is being treated for hyperlipidemia with gemfibrozil. The patient is unaware and cannot remember what medications he had been taking or whether he had been taking them at all as an outpatient.
FAMILY HISTORY: Listed as unknown in the chart as far as other psychiatric illnesses. The patient himself states that his parents are deceased and that he raised himself in the Philippines.
LEGAL HISTORY: He had an assault in December 2009, which led to his previous detention. It is unknown whether he is under legal constraints at this time.
VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 125/75. His weight is 197 with height 5 feet 4 inches.
GENERAL: He is cooperative, although disorganized and focusing entirely and telling me that he is here because there was some confusion in how he took his medications. He does not endorse any voices at this time.
HEENT: His head exam is normal with normal scalp. HEENT is unremarkable. Pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation. TMs are normal.
NECK: Unremarkable with no masses or tenderness.
CARDIOVASCULAR: Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs.
ABDOMEN: Negative with no scars.
GU: Not done.
RECTAL: Not done.
DERM: He does have a scarring of acne lesions, both face and back.
EXTREMITIES: Otherwise negative.
NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through X normal. Reflexes are normal and gait is unremarkable.
LABORATORY DATA: His labs done at ABCD showed his CMP to be normal with an elevated white count of 17.2. Chest x-ray was indicated as being done and normal as was a UA and he did apparently receive hydration in the hospital with IV fluids.
See More Samples on Consult - History and Phy.
A 5-month-old boy with cough
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Abnormal Echocardiogram
Abnormal Stress Test
Abrasions & Lacerations - ER Visit
Acne Vulgaris - H&P
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Adjustment Disorder & Encopresis
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Adult Hydrocephalus
Agitation - ER Visit
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Allergy Evaluation Consult
Anemia - Consult
Angina - Consult
Ankle Pain - Consult
Ankle Sprain - H&P
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - Consult
Atrial Fibrillation Management
Attempted Suicide - Consult
Azotemia Consult
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 1
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 2
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 3
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 4
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation - 1
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation - 1
Bilateral Hip Pain
Bipolar Affective Disorder - Consult
Bladder Cancer
Bladder Instillation
Bladder Tumor
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Brain Tumor - Consult
Breast Augmentation Consult
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Breast Reconstruction
Bunion & Pes Planovalgus Deformity
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Cancer of the nasopharynx
Carbohydrate Counting
Cardiac Consult & Cardioversion
Cardiac Consultation
Cardiac Consultation - 1
Cardiac Consultation - 2
Cardiac Consultation - 3
Cardiac Consultation - 4
Cardiac Consultation - 5
Cardiac Consultation - 6
Cardiac Consultation - 7
Cardiomyopathy & Hypotension - Consult
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest discomfort & palpitations - Consult.
Chest Pain - Cardiac Consult
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Cholangiocarcinoma Consult
Cholestasis Of Pregnancy
Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease - Consult
Chronic Otitis Media
Chronic Sinusitis
Clogged AV Shunt - Consult
Colon Cancer Consult
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Polyps - Genetic Counseling
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Connective Tissue Disorder
Consult - Abnormal EKG
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation - 1
Consult - Back & Leg Pain
Consult - Breast Cancer
Consult - Breast Cancer - 1
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Congestive Heart Failure
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Enlarged Tonsils
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Hydronephrosis
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - ICU Management
Consult - Jaw Pain
Consult - Knee Pain
Consult - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Multiple Colon Polyps
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Palpitations & Presyncope
Consult - Prostate Cancer
Consult - Pulsatile Tinnitus
Consult - Rectal Bleeding
Consult - Screening Colonoscopy
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
Consult - Weankness & Polymyositis
Consult for Colostomy Reversal
Consult for New Wheelchair
Consult/ER Report - OB/GYN
Conversion Disorder
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Cystic Fibrosis
Decreased Vision Consult
Dental Pain
Detox from Heroin
Dietary Consult - 1
Dietary Consult - 2
Dietary Consult - 3
Dietary Consult - 4
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 1
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 2
Dietary Consult - Gestational Diabetes
Dietary Consult - Hyperlipidemia
Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
Dietary Consultation - 1
Dietary Consultation - 2
Difficulty Distance Vision & Fine Print at Near
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Consult
Discoid Lupus
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dog Bite
Dural AVM
Dysphagia & Hematemesis
Ear Pain - Drainage
Ear pain - Pediatric Consult
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
Elevated BNP - Consult
Elevated Cardiac Enzymes
Elevated PSA - H&P
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
End Stage Renal Disease - Consult
ENT Consult
ENT Consult - 1
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
ER Report - Rib Cage Pain
Erythema Nodosum - Consult
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Exudative Tonsillitis
Eye Examination - H&P
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
First Pap smear.
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Foot Infection Management
Foot pain Consultation
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Foul-Smelling Urine
Gagging - 3-year-old
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 1
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 2
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 3
Gastrointestinal Bleed - ER Visit
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
GI Consultation - 1
GI Consultation - 2
GI Consultation - 3
GI Consultation - 4
Glioblastoma Multiforme - Consult
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Glioma - Consult
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
H&P - Cardio (Angina)
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Infant with fever
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Hand Pain - Consult
Head & Neck Cancer Consult
Head Trauma
Hematology Consult
Hematology Consult - 1
Hematuria - Consult
Hematuria - ER Visit
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
Hip Fracture - ER Consult
Hip Fracture - Rehab Consult
HPV Consult
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Infant Not Gaining Weight
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Intractable Epilepsy
Iron deficiency anemia
Ischemic Cecum - Consult
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Knee DJD - Consult
Knee Injury
Kyphoplasty - Consult
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 1
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 2
Leaking Nephrostomy Tube
Left Lower Quadrant Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Lightheaded & Dizziness
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Low Back Pain - Consult
Lower back pain
Lower Quadrant Pain
Lumbar Radiculopathy - Consult
Lumbar Spine HNP - Consult
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Lung Cancer & MI - Hospice Cosult
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Lymphoma - Consult
Major Depressive Disorder - IME Consult
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Consult
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
MCA Aneurysm
Medical Management Consult Request
Mental Status Changes - Consult
Mesothelioma - Consult
Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Consult
Microhematuria - Consult
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Multilobar Pneumonia
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Murmur & Bacteremia.
Neck & Back Pain
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neonatal Consult
Nephrology Consultation - 1
Nephrology Consultation - 2
Nephrology Consultation - 3
Nephrology Consultation - 4
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurogenic Bladder - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Non-Q-wave Myocardial Infarction
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Consult
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
OB/GYN Consultation - 1
OB/GYN Consultation - 2
OB/GYN Consultation - 3
OB/GYN Consultation - 4
Occupational Medicine Consult
Occupational Medicine Consult - 1
Occupational Medicine Consult - 2
Occupational Medicine Consult - 3
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 1
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 2
Onychomycosis - H&P
Organic Brain Syndrome
Orthopedic Consult
Orthopedic Consult - 1
Orthopedic Consult - 2
Orthopedic Consult - 3
Orthopedic Consult - 4
Orthopedic Consult - 5
Otitis Media - H&P
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Pain Management Consult - 1
Pain Management Consult - 2
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Pediatric Rheumatology Consult
Penile Cellulitis
Penile Discharge
Pericardial Effusion
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Peripheral Effusion - Consult
Physical Exam and Pap - 1
Physical Exam and Pap -2
Pneumothorax & Subcutaneous Emphysema
Postop Medical Management
Preop Cardiac Consult
Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Prostate Adenocarcinoma - H&P
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Psych Consult - Alcohol Withdrawal
Psych Consult - Altered Mental Status
Psych Consult - Anxiety
Psych Consult - Assaultive Behavior
Psych Consult - Bipolar Affective Disorder
Psych Consult - Dementia
Psych Consult - Depression - 1
Psych Consult - Depression - 2
Psych Consult - Lethargy
Psych Consult - Pain Meds
Psych Consult - Paranoia
Psych Consult - Psychosis
Psych Consult - Psychosis - 1
Psych Consult - Schizophrenia
Psych Consult - Substance abuse
Psych H&P - 1
Psych H&P - 2
Psychiatric Consult
Psychiatric Consult - 1
Psychiatric Consult - 2
Pubic Cellulitis
Pulmonary Consultation - 1
Pulmonary Consultation - 2
Pulmonary Edema - Consult
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension - Pediatric Consult
Records Review - Epicondylitis
Records Review - Orthopedic
Rectal Bleeding - 1-year-old
Rectal Bleeding - Consult
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Recurrent nasal obstruction
Renal Failure - Consult
Renal Failure Evaluation
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Consult
Rheumatoid Arthritis - H&P
Rotator cuff syndrome - H&P
School Physical - 1
School Physical - 2
Sepsis - Consult
Shoulder Pain Consult
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus problems - Consult
Sleepiness - Consult
Small Bowel Obstruction
Speech Therapy Evaluation
Speech Therapy Evaluation - 1
Spinal fluid evaluation
Sports Physical - 1
Sports Physical - 2
Sports Physical - 3
Status Epilepticus
Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
Supraventricular Tachycardia - Consult
Syncope - ER Visit
Syncope - ER Visit - 1
T-Cell Lymphoma Consult
Tethered Cord Evaluation
Therapeutic Recreation Initial Evaluation
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thyroid Mass Consult
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Tinea Pedis - H&P
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Tracheostomy Tube Consult
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Ureteral Calculus - Consult
URI & Eustachian Congestion
Urinary Retention
Urology Consut - 1
Ventricular Ectopy - Consult
Vertigo Consult
Vertigo Consult - 1
Viral Gastroenteritis
Weight Gain and Edema
Weight Loss Evaluation
Well-Child Check - 1
Well-Child Check - 2
Well-Child Check - 3
Well-Child Check - 4
Well-Child Check - 5
Well-Child Check - 6
Well-Child Check - 7
Well-woman checkup
Worker's Compensation Injury
Wound Care Consult
Wrist Pain
Keywords: consult - history and phy., agitated, revocation admission, medications, hyperlipidemia, noncompliant, oral,