- Allergy / Immunology
- Autopsy
- Bariatrics
- Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
- Chiropractic
- Consult - History and Phy.
- Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diets and Nutritions
- Discharge Summary
- Emergency Room Reports
- Endocrinology
- ENT - Otolaryngology
- Gastroenterology
- General Medicine
- Hematology - Oncology
- Hospice - Palliative Care
- IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
- Lab Medicine - Pathology
- Letters
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Office Notes
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic
- Pain Management
- Pediatrics - Neonatal
- Physical Medicine - Rehab
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry / Psychology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Sleep Medicine
- SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
- Speech - Language
- Surgery
- Urology
Medical Specialty
Allergy / Immunology
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - History and Phy.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Diets and Nutritions
Discharge Summary
Emergency Room Reports
ENT - Otolaryngology
General Medicine
Hematology - Oncology
Hospice - Palliative Care
IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
Lab Medicine - Pathology
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Office Notes
Pain Management
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Physical Medicine - Rehab
Psychiatry / Psychology
Sleep Medicine
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Speech - Language
Consult - History and Phy. - Medical Reports
A 5-month-old boy with cough
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Abnormal Echocardiogram
Abnormal Stress Test
Abrasions & Lacerations - ER Visit
Acne Vulgaris - H&P
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Adjustment Disorder & Encopresis
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Adult Hydrocephalus
Agitation - ER Visit
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Allergy Evaluation Consult
Anemia - Consult
Angina - Consult
Ankle Pain - Consult
Ankle Sprain - H&P
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - Consult
Atrial Fibrillation Management
Attempted Suicide - Consult
Azotemia Consult
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 1
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 2
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 3
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 4
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation - 1
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation - 1
Bilateral Hip Pain
Bipolar Affective Disorder - Consult
Bladder Cancer
Bladder Instillation
Bladder Tumor
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Brain Tumor - Consult
Breast Augmentation Consult
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Breast Reconstruction
Bunion & Pes Planovalgus Deformity
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Cancer of the nasopharynx
Carbohydrate Counting
Cardiac Consult & Cardioversion
Cardiac Consultation
Cardiac Consultation - 1
Cardiac Consultation - 2
Cardiac Consultation - 3
Cardiac Consultation - 4
Cardiac Consultation - 5
Cardiac Consultation - 6
Cardiac Consultation - 7
Cardiomyopathy & Hypotension - Consult
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest discomfort & palpitations - Consult.
Chest Pain - Cardiac Consult
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Cholangiocarcinoma Consult
Cholestasis Of Pregnancy
Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease - Consult
Chronic Otitis Media
Chronic Sinusitis
Clogged AV Shunt - Consult
Colon Cancer Consult
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Polyps - Genetic Counseling
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Connective Tissue Disorder
Consult - Abnormal EKG
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation - 1
Consult - Back & Leg Pain
Consult - Breast Cancer
Consult - Breast Cancer - 1
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Congestive Heart Failure
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Enlarged Tonsils
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Hydronephrosis
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - ICU Management
Consult - Jaw Pain
Consult - Knee Pain
Consult - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Multiple Colon Polyps
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Palpitations & Presyncope
Consult - Prostate Cancer
Consult - Pulsatile Tinnitus
Consult - Rectal Bleeding
Consult - Screening Colonoscopy
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
Consult - Weankness & Polymyositis
Consult for Colostomy Reversal
Consult for New Wheelchair
Consult/ER Report - OB/GYN
Conversion Disorder
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Cystic Fibrosis
Decreased Vision Consult
Dental Pain
Detox from Heroin
Dietary Consult - 1
Dietary Consult - 2
Dietary Consult - 3
Dietary Consult - 4
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 1
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 2
Dietary Consult - Gestational Diabetes
Dietary Consult - Hyperlipidemia
Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
Dietary Consultation - 1
Dietary Consultation - 2
Difficulty Distance Vision & Fine Print at Near
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Consult
Discoid Lupus
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dog Bite
Dural AVM
Dysphagia & Hematemesis
Ear Pain - Drainage
Ear pain - Pediatric Consult
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
Elevated BNP - Consult
Elevated Cardiac Enzymes
Elevated PSA - H&P
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
End Stage Renal Disease - Consult
ENT Consult
ENT Consult - 1
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
ER Report - Rib Cage Pain
Erythema Nodosum - Consult
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Exudative Tonsillitis
Eye Examination - H&P
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
First Pap smear.
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Foot Infection Management
Foot pain Consultation
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Foul-Smelling Urine
Gagging - 3-year-old
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 1
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 2
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 3
Gastrointestinal Bleed - ER Visit
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
GI Consultation - 1
GI Consultation - 2
GI Consultation - 3
GI Consultation - 4
Glioblastoma Multiforme - Consult
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Glioma - Consult
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
H&P - Cardio (Angina)
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Infant with fever
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Hand Pain - Consult
Head & Neck Cancer Consult
Head Trauma
Hematology Consult
Hematology Consult - 1
Hematuria - Consult
Hematuria - ER Visit
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
Hip Fracture - ER Consult
Hip Fracture - Rehab Consult
HPV Consult
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Infant Not Gaining Weight
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Intractable Epilepsy
Iron deficiency anemia
Ischemic Cecum - Consult
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Knee DJD - Consult
Knee Injury
Kyphoplasty - Consult
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 1
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 2
Leaking Nephrostomy Tube
Left Lower Quadrant Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Lightheaded & Dizziness
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Low Back Pain - Consult
Lower back pain
Lower Quadrant Pain
Lumbar Radiculopathy - Consult
Lumbar Spine HNP - Consult
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Lung Cancer & MI - Hospice Cosult
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Lymphoma - Consult
Major Depressive Disorder - IME Consult
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Consult
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
MCA Aneurysm
Medical Management Consult Request
Mental Status Changes - Consult
Mesothelioma - Consult
Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Consult
Microhematuria - Consult
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Multilobar Pneumonia
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Murmur & Bacteremia.
Neck & Back Pain
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neonatal Consult
Nephrology Consultation - 1
Nephrology Consultation - 2
Nephrology Consultation - 3
Nephrology Consultation - 4
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurogenic Bladder - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Non-Q-wave Myocardial Infarction
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Consult
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
OB/GYN Consultation - 1
OB/GYN Consultation - 2
OB/GYN Consultation - 3
OB/GYN Consultation - 4
Occupational Medicine Consult
Occupational Medicine Consult - 1
Occupational Medicine Consult - 2
Occupational Medicine Consult - 3
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 1
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 2
Onychomycosis - H&P
Organic Brain Syndrome
Orthopedic Consult
Orthopedic Consult - 1
Orthopedic Consult - 2
Orthopedic Consult - 3
Orthopedic Consult - 4
Orthopedic Consult - 5
Otitis Media - H&P
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Pain Management Consult - 1
Pain Management Consult - 2
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Pediatric Rheumatology Consult
Penile Cellulitis
Penile Discharge
Pericardial Effusion
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Peripheral Effusion - Consult
Physical Exam and Pap - 1
Physical Exam and Pap -2
Pneumothorax & Subcutaneous Emphysema
Postop Medical Management
Preop Cardiac Consult
Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Prostate Adenocarcinoma - H&P
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Psych Consult - Alcohol Withdrawal
Psych Consult - Altered Mental Status
Psych Consult - Anxiety
Psych Consult - Assaultive Behavior
Psych Consult - Bipolar Affective Disorder
Psych Consult - Dementia
Psych Consult - Depression - 1
Psych Consult - Depression - 2
Psych Consult - Lethargy
Psych Consult - Pain Meds
Psych Consult - Paranoia
Psych Consult - Psychosis
Psych Consult - Psychosis - 1
Psych Consult - Schizophrenia
Psych Consult - Substance abuse
Psych H&P - 1
Psych H&P - 2
Psychiatric Consult
Psychiatric Consult - 1
Psychiatric Consult - 2
Pubic Cellulitis
Pulmonary Consultation - 1
Pulmonary Consultation - 2
Pulmonary Edema - Consult
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension - Pediatric Consult
Records Review - Epicondylitis
Records Review - Orthopedic
Rectal Bleeding - 1-year-old
Rectal Bleeding - Consult
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Recurrent nasal obstruction
Renal Failure - Consult
Renal Failure Evaluation
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Consult
Rheumatoid Arthritis - H&P
Rotator cuff syndrome - H&P
School Physical - 1
School Physical - 2
Sepsis - Consult
Shoulder Pain Consult
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus problems - Consult
Sleepiness - Consult
Small Bowel Obstruction
Speech Therapy Evaluation
Speech Therapy Evaluation - 1
Spinal fluid evaluation
Sports Physical - 1
Sports Physical - 2
Sports Physical - 3
Status Epilepticus
Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
Supraventricular Tachycardia - Consult
Syncope - ER Visit
Syncope - ER Visit - 1
T-Cell Lymphoma Consult
Tethered Cord Evaluation
Therapeutic Recreation Initial Evaluation
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thyroid Mass Consult
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Tinea Pedis - H&P
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Tracheostomy Tube Consult
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Ureteral Calculus - Consult
URI & Eustachian Congestion
Urinary Retention
Urology Consut - 1
Ventricular Ectopy - Consult
Vertigo Consult
Vertigo Consult - 1
Viral Gastroenteritis
Weight Gain and Edema
Weight Loss Evaluation
Well-Child Check - 1
Well-Child Check - 2
Well-Child Check - 3
Well-Child Check - 4
Well-Child Check - 5
Well-Child Check - 6
Well-Child Check - 7
Well-woman checkup
Worker's Compensation Injury
Wound Care Consult
Wrist Pain
Medical Specialty:
Consult - History and Phy.
Sample Name: Acne Vulgaris - H&P
Description: Acne from continually washing area, frequent phone use so the receiver rubs on face and oral contraceptive use - Acne Vulgaris
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
CHIEF COMPLAINT (1/1): This 19 year old female presents today complaining of acne from continually washing area, frequent phone use so the receiver rubs on face and oral contraceptive use. Location: She indicates the problem location is the chin, right temple and left temple locally. Severity: Severity of condition is worsening.
Menses: Onset: 13 years old. Interval: 22-27 days. Duration: 4-6 days. Flow: light. Complications: none.
ALLERGIES: Patient admits allergies to penicillin resulting in difficulty breathing.
MEDICATION HISTORY: Patient is currently taking Alesse-28, 20 mcg-0.10 mg tablet usage started on 08/07/2001 medication was prescribed by Obstetrician-Gynecologist A.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Female Reproductive Hx: (+) birth control pill use, Childhood Illnesses: (+) chickenpox, (+) measles.
FAMILY HISTORY: Patient admits a family history of anxiety, stress disorder associated with mother.
SOCIAL HISTORY: Patient admits caffeine use She consumes 3-5 servings per day, Patient admits alcohol use Drinking is described as social, Patient admits good diet habits, Patient admits exercising regularly, Patient denies STD history.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Integumentary: (+) periodic reddening of face, (+) acne problems, Allergic /
Immunologic: (-) allergic or immunologic symptoms, Constitutional Symptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms
such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness.
IMPRESSION: Acne vulgaris.
PLAN: Recommended treatment is antibiotic therapy. Patient received extensive counseling about acne. She understands acne treatment is usually long-term. Return to clinic in 4 week (s).
PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: Patient received literature regarding acne vulgaris. Discussed with the patient the prescription for Tetracycline and handed out information regarding the side effects and the proper method of ingestion.
PRESCRIPTIONS: Tetracycline Dosage: 250 mg capsule Sig: BID Dispense: 60 Refills: 0 Allow Generic: Yes
See More Samples on Consult - History and Phy.
A 5-month-old boy with cough
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Abnormal Echocardiogram
Abnormal Stress Test
Abrasions & Lacerations - ER Visit
Acne Vulgaris - H&P
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Acute Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Adjustment Disorder & Encopresis
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Adult Hydrocephalus
Agitation - ER Visit
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Allergy Evaluation Consult
Anemia - Consult
Angina - Consult
Ankle Pain - Consult
Ankle Sprain - H&P
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Arm Pain - Neuro Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - Consult
Atrial Fibrillation Management
Attempted Suicide - Consult
Azotemia Consult
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 1
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 2
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 3
Bariatric Consult - Surgical Weight Loss - 4
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study & Speech Evaluation - 1
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation
Barium Swallow Study Evaluation - 1
Bilateral Hip Pain
Bipolar Affective Disorder - Consult
Bladder Cancer
Bladder Instillation
Bladder Tumor
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Brain Tumor - Consult
Breast Augmentation Consult
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Breast Reconstruction
Bunion & Pes Planovalgus Deformity
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Cancer of the nasopharynx
Carbohydrate Counting
Cardiac Consult & Cardioversion
Cardiac Consultation
Cardiac Consultation - 1
Cardiac Consultation - 2
Cardiac Consultation - 3
Cardiac Consultation - 4
Cardiac Consultation - 5
Cardiac Consultation - 6
Cardiac Consultation - 7
Cardiomyopathy & Hypotension - Consult
Cervical Cord Lesion - Consult
Cervical Spondylosis - Neuro Consult
Chest discomfort & palpitations - Consult.
Chest Pain - Cardiac Consult
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Cholangiocarcinoma Consult
Cholestasis Of Pregnancy
Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Kidney Disease - Consult
Chronic Otitis Media
Chronic Sinusitis
Clogged AV Shunt - Consult
Colon Cancer Consult
Colon Cancer Screening
Colon Polyps - Genetic Counseling
Comprehensive Neurological Evaluation
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Connective Tissue Disorder
Consult - Abnormal EKG
Consult - Alzheimer disease
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation
Consult - Atrial Fibrillation - 1
Consult - Back & Leg Pain
Consult - Breast Cancer
Consult - Breast Cancer - 1
Consult - Cerebral Peduncle Infarction
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Congestive Heart Failure
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Enlarged Tonsils
Consult - Facial Twitching
Consult - Hydronephrosis
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - ICU Management
Consult - Jaw Pain
Consult - Knee Pain
Consult - Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Consult - Migraine
Consult - Multiple Colon Polyps
Consult - Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Consult - Palpitations & Presyncope
Consult - Prostate Cancer
Consult - Pulsatile Tinnitus
Consult - Rectal Bleeding
Consult - Screening Colonoscopy
Consult - Seizures
Consult - Seizures - 1
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
Consult - Weankness & Polymyositis
Consult for Colostomy Reversal
Consult for New Wheelchair
Consult/ER Report - OB/GYN
Conversion Disorder
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
CVA Consult - ER Visit
Cystic Fibrosis
Decreased Vision Consult
Dental Pain
Detox from Heroin
Dietary Consult - 1
Dietary Consult - 2
Dietary Consult - 3
Dietary Consult - 4
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 1
Dietary Consult - Diabetes - 2
Dietary Consult - Gestational Diabetes
Dietary Consult - Hyperlipidemia
Dietary Consult - Weight Reduction
Dietary Consultation - 1
Dietary Consultation - 2
Difficulty Distance Vision & Fine Print at Near
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Consult
Discoid Lupus
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dizziness - Recurrent
Dog Bite
Dural AVM
Dysphagia & Hematemesis
Ear Pain - Drainage
Ear pain - Pediatric Consult
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
Elevated BNP - Consult
Elevated Cardiac Enzymes
Elevated PSA - H&P
Encephalopathy - Rehab Consult
End Stage Renal Disease - Consult
ENT Consult
ENT Consult - 1
Epidural Fluid Collection
Epidural Hematoma
ER Report - Rib Cage Pain
Erythema Nodosum - Consult
Essential Tremor & Torticollis
Exudative Tonsillitis
Eye Examination - H&P
Feet & Hand Cramping
First Followup - Shunt Surgery
First Pap smear.
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Foot Infection Management
Foot pain Consultation
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Foul-Smelling Urine
Gagging - 3-year-old
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 1
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 2
Gastric Bypass Discussion - 3
Gastrointestinal Bleed - ER Visit
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
GI Consultation - 1
GI Consultation - 2
GI Consultation - 3
GI Consultation - 4
Glioblastoma Multiforme - Consult
Glioma - 1
Glioma - 2
Glioma - Consult
Granulomatous Inflammation
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
H&P - Cardio (Angina)
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Infant with fever
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Hand Pain - Consult
Head & Neck Cancer Consult
Head Trauma
Hematology Consult
Hematology Consult - 1
Hematuria - Consult
Hematuria - ER Visit
Hematuria & Urinary Retention
Hip Fracture - ER Consult
Hip Fracture - Rehab Consult
HPV Consult
Huntington's Disease
Huntington's Disease - Consult
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 1
Iliopsoas Hematoma - 2
Impairment Rating
Infant Not Gaining Weight
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Intractable Epilepsy
Iron deficiency anemia
Ischemic Cecum - Consult
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Knee DJD - Consult
Knee Injury
Kyphoplasty - Consult
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 1
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Consult - 2
Leaking Nephrostomy Tube
Left Lower Quadrant Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Lightheaded & Dizziness
Limbic Encephalitis
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
Low Back Pain - Consult
Lower back pain
Lower Quadrant Pain
Lumbar Radiculopathy - Consult
Lumbar Spine HNP - Consult
Lumbosacral Polyradiculopathy
Lung Cancer & MI - Hospice Cosult
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Lymphoma - Consult
Major Depressive Disorder - IME Consult
Malignant Meningioma - Consult
Mantle Cell Lymphoma - Consult
Marginal Zone Lymphoma
MCA Aneurysm
Medical Management Consult Request
Mental Status Changes - Consult
Mesothelioma - Consult
Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Consult
Microhematuria - Consult
Migraine without Aura - Consult
Multilobar Pneumonia
Multiple Meningiomas
Multiple Neurological Symptoms
Murmur & Bacteremia.
Neck & Back Pain
Neck & Lower Back Pain - Consult
Neonatal Consult
Nephrology Consultation - 1
Nephrology Consultation - 2
Nephrology Consultation - 3
Nephrology Consultation - 4
Neuro Consult - Depression & Dementia
Neuro Consult - Leg Weakness
Neuroblastoma - Consult
Neurogenic Bladder - Consult
Neurologic Consultation
Neurologic Consultation - 1
Neurologic Consultation - 2
Neurologic Consultation - 3
Neurologic Consultation - 4
Neurologic Consultation - 5
Neurologic Examination
Neuropsychological Evaluation
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 1
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 2
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 3
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 4
Neuropsychological Evaluation - 5
New Onset Seizure
Non-Q-wave Myocardial Infarction
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Consult
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
OB/GYN Consultation - 1
OB/GYN Consultation - 2
OB/GYN Consultation - 3
OB/GYN Consultation - 4
Occupational Medicine Consult
Occupational Medicine Consult - 1
Occupational Medicine Consult - 2
Occupational Medicine Consult - 3
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 1
Oligoarticular Arthritis - 2
Onychomycosis - H&P
Organic Brain Syndrome
Orthopedic Consult
Orthopedic Consult - 1
Orthopedic Consult - 2
Orthopedic Consult - 3
Orthopedic Consult - 4
Orthopedic Consult - 5
Otitis Media - H&P
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Pain Management Consult - 1
Pain Management Consult - 2
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Pediatric Rheumatology Consult
Penile Cellulitis
Penile Discharge
Pericardial Effusion
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Peripheral Effusion - Consult
Physical Exam and Pap - 1
Physical Exam and Pap -2
Pneumothorax & Subcutaneous Emphysema
Postop Medical Management
Preop Cardiac Consult
Prostate Adenocarcinoma
Prostate Adenocarcinoma - H&P
Pseudotumor Cerebri
Psych Consult - Alcohol Withdrawal
Psych Consult - Altered Mental Status
Psych Consult - Anxiety
Psych Consult - Assaultive Behavior
Psych Consult - Bipolar Affective Disorder
Psych Consult - Dementia
Psych Consult - Depression - 1
Psych Consult - Depression - 2
Psych Consult - Lethargy
Psych Consult - Pain Meds
Psych Consult - Paranoia
Psych Consult - Psychosis
Psych Consult - Psychosis - 1
Psych Consult - Schizophrenia
Psych Consult - Substance abuse
Psych H&P - 1
Psych H&P - 2
Psychiatric Consult
Psychiatric Consult - 1
Psychiatric Consult - 2
Pubic Cellulitis
Pulmonary Consultation - 1
Pulmonary Consultation - 2
Pulmonary Edema - Consult
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Hypertension - Pediatric Consult
Records Review - Epicondylitis
Records Review - Orthopedic
Rectal Bleeding - 1-year-old
Rectal Bleeding - Consult
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Recurrent nasal obstruction
Renal Failure - Consult
Renal Failure Evaluation
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Rheumatoid Arthritis - Consult
Rheumatoid Arthritis - H&P
Rotator cuff syndrome - H&P
School Physical - 1
School Physical - 2
Sepsis - Consult
Shoulder Pain Consult
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Sinus problems - Consult
Sleepiness - Consult
Small Bowel Obstruction
Speech Therapy Evaluation
Speech Therapy Evaluation - 1
Spinal fluid evaluation
Sports Physical - 1
Sports Physical - 2
Sports Physical - 3
Status Epilepticus
Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy
Supraventricular Tachycardia - Consult
Syncope - ER Visit
Syncope - ER Visit - 1
T-Cell Lymphoma Consult
Tethered Cord Evaluation
Therapeutic Recreation Initial Evaluation
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thyroid Mass Consult
TIA - Cosult
TIA & Lumbar Stenosis
Tinea Pedis - H&P
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Tracheostomy Tube Consult
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Ureteral Calculus - Consult
URI & Eustachian Congestion
Urinary Retention
Urology Consut - 1
Ventricular Ectopy - Consult
Vertigo Consult
Vertigo Consult - 1
Viral Gastroenteritis
Weight Gain and Edema
Weight Loss Evaluation
Well-Child Check - 1
Well-Child Check - 2
Well-Child Check - 3
Well-Child Check - 4
Well-Child Check - 5
Well-Child Check - 6
Well-Child Check - 7
Well-woman checkup
Worker's Compensation Injury
Wound Care Consult
Wrist Pain
Keywords: consult - history and phy., acne, acne vulgaris, keratotic papule, apocrine glands, eccrine, hair growth, hyperidrosis, chromidrosis, bromhidrosis, tetracycline, vulgaris,