Medical Specialty:
Sample Name: Shunt Revision
Description: Bilateral endoscopic proximal shunt revision and a distal shunt revision.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
TITLE OF OPERATION: Bilateral endoscopic proximal shunt revision and a distal shunt revision.
INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: Headaches, full subtemporal site.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Slit ventricle syndrome.
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Slit ventricle syndrome.
FINDINGS: Coaptation of ventricles against proximal end of ventricular catheter.
DEVICES: A Codman Hakim programmable valve with Portnoy ventricular catheter, a 0/20 proGAV valve with a shunt assist of 20 cm dual right-angled connector, and a flushing reservoir.
BRIEF NARRATIVE OF OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was administered, the patient was positioned on the operating table in the prone position with the head held on a soft foam padding. The occipital area was shaven bilaterally and then the areas of the prior scalp incisions were infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine after routine prepping and draping. Both U-shaped scalp incisions were opened exposing both the left and the right ventricular catheters as well as the old low pressure reservoir, which might have been leading to the coaptation of the ventricles. The patient also had a right subtemporal depression, which was full preoperatively. The entire old apparatus was dissected out. We then cut both the ventricular catheters and secured them with sutures so that __________ could be inserted. They were both inspected. No definite debris were seen. After removing the ventricular catheters, the old tracts were inspected and we could see where there was coaptation of the ventricles against the ventricular catheter. On the right side, we elected to insert the Portnoy ventricular catheter and on the left a new Bactiseal catheter was inserted underneath the corpus callosum in a different location. The old valve was dissected out and the proGAV valve with a 2-0 shunt assist was inserted and secured with a 2-0 Ethibond suture. The proGAV valve was then connected to a Bactiseal distal tubing, which was looped in a cephalad way and then curved towards the left burr hole site and then the Portnoy catheter on the right was secured with a right-angled sleeve and then interposed between it and the left burr hole site with a flushing reservoir. All connections secured with 2-0 Ethibond suture and a small piece of Bactiseal tubing between the flushing reservoir and the connector, which secured the left Bactiseal tubing to the two other Bactiseal tubings one being the distal Bactiseal tubing going towards the proGAV valve, which was set to an opening pressure of 8 and the other one being the Bactiseal tubing, which was going towards the flushing reservoir.
All the wounds were irrigated out with bacitracin and then closed in a routine manner using Vicryl for the deep layers and Monocryl for the skin, followed by Mastisol and Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications. CSF was not sent off.
Keywords: neurosurgery, codman hakim, portnoy, slit ventricle syndrome, shunt revision, bilateral endoscopic proximal shunt, coaptation of the ventricles, portnoy ventricular catheter, ventricular catheter, progav valve, flushing reservoir, bactiseal tubing, shunt, ventricular, bactiseal,