Medical Specialty:

Sample Name: Lobectomy & Lymphadenectomy

Description: Right lower lobectomy, right thoracotomy, extensive lysis of adhesions, mediastinal lymphadenectomy.
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right lower lobe mass, possible cancer.

POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Non-small cell carcinoma of the right lower lobe.

1. Right thoracotomy.
2. Extensive lysis of adhesions.
3. Right lower lobectomy.
4. Mediastinal lymphadenectomy.


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: The patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position. After an adequate general anesthesia was given, she was placed in the left lateral decubitus and the right chest was prepped and draped in the sterile fashion. Lateral thoracotomy was performed on the right side anterior to the tip of the scapula, and this was carried down through the subcutaneous tissue. The latissimus dorsi muscle was partially transected and then the serratus was reflected anteriorly. The chest was entered through the fifth intercostal space. A retractor was placed and then extensive number of adhesions between the lung and the pleura were lysed carefully with sharp and blunt dissection. The right lower lobe was identified. There was a large mass in the superior segment of the lobe, which was very close to the right upper lobe, and because of the adhesions, it could not be told if the tumor was extending into the right upper lobe, but it appeared that it did not. Dissection was then performed at the lower lobe of the fissure, and a GIA stapler was placed through here to separate the tumor from the upper lobe including a small segment of the upper lobe with the lower lobe. Then, dissection of the hilum was performed, and the branches of the pulmonary artery to the lower lobe were ligated with #2-0 silk freehand ties proximally and distally and #3-0 silk transfixion stitches and then transected. The inferior pulmonary vein was dissected after dividing the ligament, and it was stapled proximally and distally with a TA30 stapler and then transected. Further dissection of the fissure allowed for its completion with a GIA stapler and then the bronchus was identified and dissected. The bronchus was stapled with a TA30 bronchial stapler and then transected, and the specimen was removed and sent to the Pathology Department for frozen section diagnosis. The frozen section diagnosis was that of non-small cell carcinoma, bronchial margins free and pleural margins free. The mediastinum was then explored. No nodes were identified around the pulmonary ligament or around the esophagus. Subcarinal nodes were dissected, and hemostasis was obtained with clips. The space below and above the osseous was opened, and the station R4 nodes were dissected. Hemostasis was obtained with clips and with electrocautery. All nodal tissue were sent to Pathology as permanent specimen. Following this, the chest was thoroughly irrigated and aspirated. Careful hemostasis was obtained and a couple of air leaks were controlled with #6-0 Prolene sutures. Then, two #28 French chest tubes were placed in the chest, one posteriorly and one anteriorly, and secured to the skin with #2-0 nylon stitches. The incision was then closed with interrupted #2-0 Vicryl pericostal stitches. A running #1 PDS on the muscle layer, a running 2-0 PDS in the subcutaneous tissue, and staples on the skin. A sterile dressing was applied, and the patient was then awakened and transferred to the following Intensive Care Unit in stable and satisfactory condition.




CONDITION: Condition of the patient on arrival to the intensive care unit was satisfactory.

Keywords: surgery, right lower lobe, gia stapler, mediastinal, non-small cell carcinoma, cancer, frozen section, hilum, lobectomy, lymphadenectomy, lysis of adhesions, pleura, thoracotomy, upper lobe, lower lobectomy, adhesions, chest,