- Allergy / Immunology
- Autopsy
- Bariatrics
- Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
- Chiropractic
- Consult - History and Phy.
- Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diets and Nutritions
- Discharge Summary
- Emergency Room Reports
- Endocrinology
- ENT - Otolaryngology
- Gastroenterology
- General Medicine
- Hematology - Oncology
- Hospice - Palliative Care
- IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
- Lab Medicine - Pathology
- Letters
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Office Notes
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedic
- Pain Management
- Pediatrics - Neonatal
- Physical Medicine - Rehab
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry / Psychology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Sleep Medicine
- SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
- Speech - Language
- Surgery
- Urology
Medical Specialty
Allergy / Immunology
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Consult - History and Phy.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Diets and Nutritions
Discharge Summary
Emergency Room Reports
ENT - Otolaryngology
General Medicine
Hematology - Oncology
Hospice - Palliative Care
IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
Lab Medicine - Pathology
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Office Notes
Pain Management
Pediatrics - Neonatal
Physical Medicine - Rehab
Psychiatry / Psychology
Sleep Medicine
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Speech - Language
General Medicine - Medical Reports
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Accidental Celesta Ingestion - ER Visit
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Anemia - Consult
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - SOAP
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Care Conference With Family
Cellulitis - Discharge Summary
Chest Pain & Respiratory Insufficiency
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Chronic Abscesses - Discharge Summary
Chronic Medical Conditions - Followup
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
COPD & Pneumonia - SOAP
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
Detox from Heroin
Diabetes Mellitus - SOAP Note - 1
Diabetes Mellitus - SOAP Note - 2
Discharge Summary - 1
Discharge Summary - 11
Discharge Summary - 12
Discharge Summary - 13
Discharge Summary - 14
Discharge Summary - 15
Discharge Summary - 16
Discharge Summary - 17
Discharge Summary - 18
Discharge Summary - 19
Discharge Summary - 2
Discharge Summary - 3
Discharge Summary - 4
Discharge Summary - 5
Discharge Summary - 6
Discharge Summary - 7
Discharge Summary - 8
Discharge Summary - 9
Discharge Summary - Migraine
Discharge Summary - Multiple Trauma
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dog Bite
Down's syndrome
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
ER Report - Chest Pain & Fever
ER Report - URI
Fall - ER Visit
Fall & Laceration
Feeling Dizzy - ER Visit
Female Exam & ROS
Female Physical Exam - 1
Female Physical Exam - 2
Female ROS
Fifth Disease - SOAP
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Followup on Asthma
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
Gen Med Office Note - 1
Gen Med Progress Note
Gen Med Progress Note - 1
Gen Med Progress Note - 10
Gen Med Progress Note - 11
Gen Med Progress Note - 12
Gen Med Progress Note - 13
Gen Med Progress Note - 2
Gen Med Progress Note - 3
Gen Med Progress Note - 4
Gen Med Progress Note - 5
Gen Med Progress Note - 6
Gen Med Progress Note - 7
Gen Med Progress Note - 8
Gen Med Progress Note - 9
Gen Med SOAP
Gen Med SOAP - 1
Gen Med SOAP - 10
Gen Med SOAP - 11
Gen Med SOAP - 2
Gen Med SOAP - 3
Gen Med SOAP - 4
Gen Med SOAP - 5
Gen Med SOAP - 6
Gen Med SOAP - 7
Gen Med SOAP - 8
Gen Med SOAP - 9
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Headache - Emergency Visit
Headache - Office Visit
Headache - Urgent Care Visit
HIV Followup
HIV Followup - 1
Hydrocarbon Aspiration - ER Visit
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Hypothermia - Discharge Summary
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Low Back Pain from Exercise
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Male Exam & ROS
Medical Management Consult Request
Melena - ICU Followup
Motor Vehicle Accident
MRI Brain - CO poisoning
Multiple Medical Problems - Discharge Summary
Nausea - ER Visit
Nausea & Vomiting - ER Visit
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Patient with High Potassium
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Pneumonia - Discharge Summary
Possible Spider Bite
Post Thyroidectomy - Discharge Summary
Pressure decubitus
Pyelonephritis - Discharge Summary
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Refractory Hypertension - Followup
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Right Hand Laceration
Sepsis - Consult
Shortness Of Breath - Progress Note
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Study Followup
Sleepiness - Consult
SOAP - Substance Abuse
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thrombocytopenia - SOAP Note
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Trouble breathing
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Viral Syndrome - ER Visit
Weight Loss Evaluation
Medical Specialty:
General Medicine
Sample Name: Snoring
Description: Chronic snoring in children
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
Chronic snoring in children can be associated with obstructive sleep apnea or upper airway resistant syndrome. Both conditions may lead to sleep fragmentation and/or intermittent oxygen desaturation, both of which have significant health implications including poor sleep quality and stress on the cardiovascular system. Symptoms like daytime somnolence, fatigue, hyperactivity, behavior difficulty (i.e., ADHD) and decreased school performance have been reported with these conditions. In addition, the most severe cases may be associated with right ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary and/or systemic hypertension and even cor pulmonale.
In this patient, the risks for a sleep-disordered breathing include obesity and the tonsillar hypertrophy. It is therefore indicated and medically necessary to perform a polysomnogram for further evaluation. A two week sleep diary will be given to the parents to fill out daily before the polysomnogram is performed.
See More Samples on General Medicine
Abdominal Pain - Consult
Accidental Celesta Ingestion - ER Visit
Acute Cystitis & Diabetes Type II
Admission History & Physical - Nausea
Air Under Diaphragm - Consult
Airway Compromise & Foreign Body - ER Visit
Anemia - Consult
Annual Health Maintenance Exam
Ant Bait Exposure - ER Visit
Antibiotic Management Consult
Antibiotic Therapy Consult
Asbestos Exposure - Hemoptysis
Atrial Fibrillation - SOAP
Blood In Toilet
Blood in Urine - ER Visit
Breast Calcifications - Preop Consult
Burn - Consult
Buttock Abscess
C. Diff Colitis Consult
Care Conference With Family
Cellulitis - Discharge Summary
Chest Pain & Respiratory Insufficiency
Chest Wall Lump - Consult
Chronic Abscesses - Discharge Summary
Chronic Medical Conditions - Followup
Congestion - 21-day-old
Congestion & Cough - 5-month-Old
Congestion & Fever - 2-month-old
Consult - Chest Pain
Consult - Chest Pain - 1
Consult - CHF & Lymphedema
Consult - Coronary Artery Disease
Consult - Hypertension
Consult - Sepsis
Consult - Stasis Ulcer
Consult - Syncope
Consult - Vomiting & Nausea
COPD & Pneumonia - SOAP
Cough & Abdominal Pain
Cut on Foot - ER Visit
Detox from Heroin
Diabetes Mellitus - SOAP Note - 1
Diabetes Mellitus - SOAP Note - 2
Discharge Summary - 1
Discharge Summary - 11
Discharge Summary - 12
Discharge Summary - 13
Discharge Summary - 14
Discharge Summary - 15
Discharge Summary - 16
Discharge Summary - 17
Discharge Summary - 18
Discharge Summary - 19
Discharge Summary - 2
Discharge Summary - 3
Discharge Summary - 4
Discharge Summary - 5
Discharge Summary - 6
Discharge Summary - 7
Discharge Summary - 8
Discharge Summary - 9
Discharge Summary - Migraine
Discharge Summary - Multiple Trauma
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Dog Bite
Down's syndrome
Ecstasy Ingestion - ER Visit
Elbow Pain - Consult
ER Report - Chest Pain & Fever
ER Report - URI
Fall - ER Visit
Fall & Laceration
Feeling Dizzy - ER Visit
Female Exam & ROS
Female Physical Exam - 1
Female Physical Exam - 2
Female ROS
Fifth Disease - SOAP
Flank Pain - Consult
Flank Pain - Consult - 1
Followup on Asthma
Foreign Body - Fingernail
Foreign Body - Right Nose
Gen Med Consult - 1
Gen Med Consult - 10
Gen Med Consult - 11
Gen Med Consult - 12
Gen Med Consult - 13
Gen Med Consult - 14
Gen Med Consult - 15
Gen Med Consult - 16
Gen Med Consult - 17
Gen Med Consult - 18
Gen Med Consult - 19
Gen Med Consult - 2
Gen Med Consult - 20
Gen Med Consult - 21
Gen Med Consult - 22
Gen Med Consult - 23
Gen Med Consult - 24
Gen Med Consult - 25
Gen Med Consult - 26
Gen Med Consult - 27
Gen Med Consult - 28
Gen Med Consult - 29
Gen Med Consult - 3
Gen Med Consult - 30
Gen Med Consult - 31
Gen Med Consult - 32
Gen Med Consult - 33
Gen Med Consult - 34
Gen Med Consult - 35
Gen Med Consult - 36
Gen Med Consult - 37
Gen Med Consult - 38
Gen Med Consult - 39
Gen Med Consult - 4
Gen Med Consult - 40
Gen Med Consult - 41
Gen Med Consult - 42
Gen Med Consult - 43
Gen Med Consult - 44
Gen Med Consult - 45
Gen Med Consult - 46
Gen Med Consult - 47
Gen Med Consult - 48
Gen Med Consult - 49
Gen Med Consult - 5
Gen Med Consult - 50
Gen Med Consult - 51
Gen Med Consult - 52
Gen Med Consult - 53
Gen Med Consult - 54
Gen Med Consult - 6
Gen Med Consult - 7
Gen Med Consult - 8
Gen Med Consult - 9
Gen Med H&P - 1
Gen Med H&P - 2
Gen Med Office Note - 1
Gen Med Progress Note
Gen Med Progress Note - 1
Gen Med Progress Note - 10
Gen Med Progress Note - 11
Gen Med Progress Note - 12
Gen Med Progress Note - 13
Gen Med Progress Note - 2
Gen Med Progress Note - 3
Gen Med Progress Note - 4
Gen Med Progress Note - 5
Gen Med Progress Note - 6
Gen Med Progress Note - 7
Gen Med Progress Note - 8
Gen Med Progress Note - 9
Gen Med SOAP
Gen Med SOAP - 1
Gen Med SOAP - 10
Gen Med SOAP - 11
Gen Med SOAP - 2
Gen Med SOAP - 3
Gen Med SOAP - 4
Gen Med SOAP - 5
Gen Med SOAP - 6
Gen Med SOAP - 7
Gen Med SOAP - 8
Gen Med SOAP - 9
H&P - Gen Med - 1
H&P - Gen Med - 2
H&P - Nausea & Vomiting
H&P - Weakness
Headache - Emergency Visit
Headache - Office Visit
Headache - Urgent Care Visit
HIV Followup
HIV Followup - 1
Hydrocarbon Aspiration - ER Visit
Hypergranulation - Consult
Hypersensitivity to Coumadin
Hypertension - Consult
Hypertension & Cardiomyopathy
Hyperthyroidism Following Pregnancy
Hypothermia - Discharge Summary
Infantile Spasms
Insect Sting
Itchy Rash - ER Visit
Jaw Pain - ER Visit
Lesions - Adrenal and Pancreatic
Low Back Pain from Exercise
Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Consult
Male Exam & ROS
Medical Management Consult Request
Melena - ICU Followup
Motor Vehicle Accident
MRI Brain - CO poisoning
Multiple Medical Problems - Discharge Summary
Nausea - ER Visit
Nausea & Vomiting - ER Visit
Normal Child Exam Template
Normal ENT Exam
Normal ENT Exam - 1
Normal Female Exam Template
Normal Female Exam Template - 1
Normal Female Exam Template - 2
Normal Female ROS Template
Normal Male Exam Template
Normal Male Exam Template - 1
Normal Male Exam Template - 2
Normal Male Exam Template - 3
Normal Male Exam Template - 4
Normal Male ROS Template - 1
Normal Newborn H&P Template
Normal Newborn Infant Physical Exam
Normal Physical Exam Template
Normal Physical Exam Template - 1
Normal Physical Exam Template - 2
Normal Physical Exam Template - 3
Normal Physical Exam Template - 4
Normal Physical Exam Template - 5
Normal Physical Exam Template - 6
Normal Physical Exam Template - 7
Normal ROS Template
Normal ROS Template - 1
Normal ROS Template - 2
Normal ROS Template - 3
Normal ROS Template - 4
Normal ROS Template - 5
Not Feeling Well - ER Visit
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Pain from Hernia - ER Consult
Patient with High Potassium
Perioperative Elevated Blood Pressure
Pneumonia - Discharge Summary
Possible Spider Bite
Post Thyroidectomy - Discharge Summary
Pressure decubitus
Pyelonephritis - Discharge Summary
Recurrent Abscesses - Consult
Refractory Hypertension - Followup
Renal Insufficiency - Consult
Request For Consultation
Revocation Admission
Right Hand Laceration
Sepsis - Consult
Shortness Of Breath - Progress Note
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Study Followup
Sleepiness - Consult
SOAP - Substance Abuse
Thrombocytopenia - Consult
Thrombocytopenia - SOAP Note
Tongue Swelling
Toothache - ER Visit
Trouble breathing
Trouble Breathing - H&P
Viral Syndrome - ER Visit
Weight Loss Evaluation
Keywords: general medicine, snoring, chronic snoring, behavior difficulty, fatigue, hyperactivity, obstructive sleep apnea, oxygen, oxygen desaturation, polysomnogram, poor sleep quality, right ventricular hypertrophy, school performance, sleep fragmentation, somnolence, systemic hypertension, upper airway, upper airway resistant syndrome, snoring chronic, hypertrophy, sleep,