Medical Specialty:
ENT - Otolaryngology
Sample Name: Tonsillectomy and Septoplasty
Description: Tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and septoplasty for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate with deviation of nasal septum
(Medical Transcription Sample Report)
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate.
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with hypertrophy of tonsils and of uvula and soft palate with deviation of nasal septum.
OPERATION: Tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and septoplasty.
ANESTHESIA: General anesthetics.
HISTORY: This is a 51-year-old gentleman here with his wife. She confirms the history of loud snoring at night with witnessed apnea. The result of the sleep study was reviewed. This showed moderate sleep apnea with significant desaturation. The patient was unable to tolerate treatment with CPAP. At the office, we observed large tonsils and elongation and thickening of the uvula as well as redundant soft tissue of the palate. A tortuous appearance of the septum also was observed. This morning, I talked to the patient and his wife about the findings. I reviewed the CT images. He has no history of sinus infections and does not recall a history of nasal trauma. We discussed the removal of tonsils and uvula and soft palate tissue and the hope that this would help with his airway. Depending on the findings of surgery, I explained that I might remove that bone spur that we are seeing within the nasal passage. I will get the best look at it when he is asleep. We discussed recovery as well. He visited with Dr. XYZ about the anesthetic produce.
Mucoperichondrium and mucoperiosteum were elevated with the Cottle elevator. When we reached the deflected portion of the vomer, this was separated from the septal cartilage with a Freer elevator. The right-sided mucoperiosteum was elevated with the Freer elevator and then with Takahashi forceps and with the 4 mm osteotome, the deflected portion of the septal bone from the vomer was resected. This tissue also was sent as a separate specimen to pathology. The intraseptal space was irrigated with saline and suctioned. The nasal septal mucosal flaps were then sutured together with a quilting suture of 4-0 plain catgut. I observed no evidence of purulent secretion or polyp formation within the nostrils. The inferior turbinates were then both outfractured using a knife handle, and now there was a much more patent nasal airway on both sides. There was good support for the nasal tip and the dorsum and there was good hemostasis within the nose. No packing was used in the nostrils. Polysporin ointment was introduced into both nostrils. The mouth gag was reintroduced and the pack removed from the nasopharynx. The nose and throat were irrigated with saline and suctioned. An orogastric tube was placed and a moderate amount of clear fluid suctioned from the stomach and this tube was removed. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The mouth gag having been withdrawn, the patient was then awakened and returned to recovery room in a satisfactory condition. He tolerated the operation excellently. Estimated blood loss was about 15-20 cc. In the recovery room, I observed that he was moving air well and I spoke with his wife about the findings of surgery.
Keywords: ent - otolaryngology, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, afrin drops, bayonet cautery, cpap, cottle elevator, crowe-davis, freer elevator, obstructive sleep apnea, tonsillectomy, hypertrophy, mouth gag, nasal, nasal passage, nasal septum, nasopharynx, nostrils, palate, pharynx, septal cartilage, septoplasty, sleep apnea, soft palate, tonsils, uvula, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, hypertrophy of tonsils, anterior tonsillar pillars, soft palate incision, palate incision, tonsillar pillars, incision,